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2 min read

How network documentation software saves time and money

How network documentation software saves time and money

When you consider your most valuable IT assets, network documentation software is likely nowhere on your list.

Creating good network documentation can be time-consuming, tedious, and thankless work that often goes unnoticed. But the value far exceeds the costs.


What is network documentation?

Network documentation is one of managed IT's most precious tools. Great documentation can expedite incident resolution time. And bad (or inexistent) documentation can mean that incidents take longer to resolve, ultimately costing you more money and time.

Documents should include:

  • Mapping out the network and attached devices.

  • Documenting a company's onboarding process.

  • Tracking login credentials for crucial systems.

This information is not always easy to find, and hunting after it can be very tedious work indeed. Because it can be such a pain, some IT departments and support providers simply don’t track the information. While skipping network documentation may save some time in the short run, it causes a lot of frustration and lost productivity in the long run.

Whether your technical support is provided by a third-party IT company or an internal IT department, make sure your support team is keeping accurate records of your network infrastructure. As your network documentation grows more complete and organized, your support provider can provide a better level of service.

4 reasons to invest in network documentation software

There are four good reasons you should insist on excellent network documentation software.

1. Network documentation software helps resolve IT support questions faster.

You sit down at your desk, open your document, and try to print it, only to encounter an error. Frustrated, you call up your help desk and ask them to fix it so you can get back to taking care of business. The technician wants to help, but he can’t find the credentials he needs to log into your network and see what’s making your printer malfunction. So, you’re left on hold for 10 minutes while he hunts for the information.

Sounds infuriating, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s an all-too common occurrence in the world of IT support. Select an IT provider that invests the time to properly document your network, and you’ll save yourself a lot of time and headache in the long run. When your help desk has all the information needed to solve a problem right at hand, you and your team won’t be stuck waiting on hold, meaning you can get back to work much faster.

2. Network documentation software enhances your network’s security.

How can an organization secure an IT network when they have no idea what’s connected to that network in the first place? The simple answer is they can’t.

If you want to provide truly effective security for any IT network, you must have complete knowledge of that network and the devices and software that power it.

Knowing what's on your network can be especially helpful when containing a data breach.

3. Network documentation software speeds up your disaster-recovery process.

Your business’s network is down, and nothing can get done until it’s back up and running. Can you think of a worse time to be running around in a frantic search for login credentials or a Wi-Fi diagram?

Every second those systems are down takes dollars off your business’s bottom line. The sooner your IT support team can restore your data, the quicker you can get back to business.

4. Network documentation software stops the brain-drain.

If your company is entirely dependent on a single person to run your IT network, you’ve got a major problem. What if that person has to take time off? What if he or she gets sick? What if your lone network expert quits? Your business could be in real trouble, really fast.

One way to eliminate this risk is to find an IT provider that maintains an excellent record-keeping system.

Don't neglect your network documentation.

When you shop around for an IT support provider, ask them what tools they use for network documentation software. Don’t settle for anything less than an IT provider that takes network documentation very seriously. It’s not an exaggeration to say that the future of your team’s productivity depends on it.