2 min read
Managed IT support services, The Sagiss Way
Jake LaCaze
Published: June 10, 2022 Updated: October 1, 2024

Managed IT support services are the backbone of the value we provide for our clients.
Two crucial individuals enable our managed IT support services:
Service desk technician.
Account manager.
While the service desk technician and account manager satisfy different needs, they share one vital similarity: You get one of each dedicated to your account, allowing us to give you the continuity of service you expect and deserve.
Service desk technician
The service desk is likely the first thing that comes to mind when you think of managed IT support services.
This first level of support is where you first turn for help with most of your day-to-day technology issues, such as:
Resetting passwords.
Creating and managing user accounts (such as onboarding and offboarding users).
Installing new software.
Some companies have different levels of service desk technicians (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3). With these companies, you start with a Level 1 technician. If that technician can't solve your issue, then he or she escalates the issue to a Level 2 technician, and so on.
At Sagiss, we don't believe in differentiating between the levels. We expect our technicians to be a Level 1, Level 2, Level 3—and more—all rolled up into one. This method reduces the chances you'll keep getting passed around from person to person or department to department when contacting Sagiss for managed IT support services.
Account manager
Our account managers are not just salesmen we hire to get you to pile up on a ton of services you may or may not need.
Most of our account managers have been former service desk technicians, meaning they address your issues as true problem solvers who want to help. Their prior experience also helps them "speak the same language" as the service desk technicians, improving collaboration and speeding up solutions. Think of them as your company's vCIO.
We keep our operations in-house.
Some companies in the managed IT support services space are comprised mostly of salesmen who work hard to get your business and then outsource the majority of the actual service desk technician work to a third party.
When you contact Sagiss, you will always talk with an employee. That employee is part of our team and only our team. This person is familiar with our processes and procedures. Also, this person has gone through the proper checks to ensure that he or she can be trusted with access to your data, networks, and devices.
We invest in our employees.
Because we keep our operations in-house, we are incentivized to invest in employee training from day one. As our employees better themselves, they're better able to serve our clients. Investing in training is the gift that keeps on giving.
We're a local managed security service provider. When you partner with a local business, you should interact with local people.
We find The Sagiss Way of offering managed IT support services work out well for us and our clients. We couldn't imagine doing business any other way.